Fit 4 Green Project

With the general objective of raising environmental awareness with the help of sport and physical activity, the Fit4Green project brings together university sports organisations’ aspirations for more sustainable sport events and educational institutions’ need to fight unsustainable consumption practices at campuses.

Lead by EUSA Institute, a balanced partnership of six organisations, in terms geographical coverage, transnational and local experience and expertise from sports, education and sustainability, implements the 18-month project.

Specifically, Fit4Green engages young people to actively participate in sustainable measures using sport events by the planning and execution of “green campus sport events” and preceding campaigns and activations in three countries (Austria, Latvia, and Slovenia).

The green campus sport event is meant to be a not-for-profit, non-competitive, youth-led sport event that is conducted in an environmentally responsible manner with the aim of promoting participation in physical activity and sports.

The innovative approach to increase the environmental awareness and sustainability competence of young people through their active involvement in the planning and execution will be summarised in a Green Campus Sport Event Concept Catalogue with environmentally sustainable solutions for grassroots sport events.

Thanks to people-centred project management methodology focusing on target groups as well as the co-creation and "Learning by Doing" methods in the implementation, the project is expected to change behaviours towards healthy- and eco-conscious lifestyles and serve as a good practice example for environmental transformation through sport for campuses, educational institutions, and youth and sport organisations in European and non-EU countries and around the world.

Fit4Green is Co-Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


Fit4Green EUSA Holztechnikum Kuchl Innovationsmanufaktur NYSA Sweden Latvian University Sports Federation (LASS) University of Ljubljana